Let’s give material
to your ideas




Danielson Engineering is an engineering company specializing in the design, manufacture and development of mechanical transmission technology demonstrators.

The company has all the skills and modern equipment to study new concepts, manufacture and validate prototypes in short time.

Since 2016, the company has structured and equipped for manufacturing small series of complex parts for the civil and military aeronautics markets.

skills for

automotive sector


Danielson Engineering is a company specializing in the design, manufacture and development of technology demonstrators to validate new mobility concepts.

The complete integration of the professions of the design office, scientific calculation, the foundry of light alloys, the manufacture of complex parts and the validation tests guarantees the control of the deadlines and the costs of the treated projects.


agriCULTURAL sectOr


Danielson Engineering is an engineering company specializing in the design, manufacture and development of engine technology demonstrators.

Since 2011, the company has structured and equipped for the study, development and validation of cooling group for the agricultural and public works sectors.



defense sector


Danielson Engineering is an engineering company specializing in the design, manufacture and development of mobility technology demonstrators and engine militarization.

Since 2016, the company has structured and equipped for manufacturing small series of complex parts for defense markets.


our machining shop


DANIELSON Engineering’s machining shop is equipped with advanced technologies for manufacturing complex workpieces, and prototype assemblies, or short runs.

Technical resources :

  • Integrated methods office
  • TOPSOLID programming software
  • Machining path simulation with VERICUT
  • 5-axis palletized machines
  • Digital turning and grinding
  • Air-conditioned metrology room
  • Internal software for traceability of operations and parts
  • Zoller tool bench


our design office

A cross-disciplinary team manages the highly diversified projects entrusted to us.

Our offices are specially designed to allow the creation of platforms for projects requiring a specific environment, with an increased level of confidentiality.

Technical resources :

  • CATIA software
  • Solidworks software
  • DAQUAR internal software for project management 


our calculation service

Our strong experience in calculation / measurement correlation allows us to implement a strict and reliable scientific approach to solve given issues.

Technical resources :

  • Abaqus software
  • StarCCM+ software
  • GT Power software


our foundry

DANIELSON Engineering is equipped with a light alloy sand foundry.

We have acquired recognized expertise in manufacturing complex demonstrators. The latest investments allow us to produce complex workpieces in short runs for the aeronautics, defence and automotive sectors.

Technical resources :

  • CATIA software for foundry studies
  • Quickcast casting simulation software
  • 3D printing of molds and cores
  • Integrated modeling
  • Internal NDT control (Radio DR, Penetrant testing)
  • Dimensional control by contactless 3D scan


our testing departement

With over 30 years of experience, the company has the means and skills to assemble the most complex prototypes and perform all validation tests on adapted test benches.

Our associated services of design office, foundry, machining and boilermaking facilitate the adaptation of test equipment according to your request.

Technical resources :

  • Confidential assembly boxes
  • Measurement and analysis equipment
  • 4 cells equipped up to 470 kW
  • 2 370 kW air heater cells
  • Organ bench


our chassis service

An experienced team integrates on vehicle, prototype or series, the propulsion groups, electric, thermal or hybrid, in order to measure the performance of these mobility demonstrators.

Technical resources :

  • Confidential space
  • Boilermaking
  • Welding
  • Foundry, machining
  • Control by 3D scan


Technopôle 58470 Magny-Cours

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